Monday, January 08, 2007

I've been good so far

I even resisted the Cherry Tree Hill new years sale. I need to go throught the stash and organize now. I have a bunch of things swirling around in my head. I need to decide what I want to make and when. I need to finish Lady Eleanor. I just needed an entrelac break...the thing is huge! I've started the flower basket shawl and am about 20 rows in. I will put in my lifeline at 25 and keep on going. I'm halfway through the first glove of Fetching, and like the pattern a lot. That may be the first thing on my list to finish.

We got a dusting of snow today. It sure doesn't seem like winter, that's for sure. My bulbs are all confused. They started to appear about a week ago. I hope I don't have my daffodils show up in the middle of winter!


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