Let me off this ride!
My health has been deteriorating, and I am doing my best to keep this baby cooking as long as possible. We did hit the 100% survival marker, which is fantastic. My doctors are just having to watch me closely to make sure that this doesn't become even more dangerous to me. I told my ob how guilty I feel about possibly having a preemie for the sake of my health. His response? "You're a mother. You'll feel guilt the rest of your life. Let's make sure you're here for it." Such a sucky situation.
I just can't get motivated to knit when I feel so bad. I need something fun to pick up my spirits. Turning 36 tomorrow isn't it! lol
I should just force myself to pick up the needles and do something. Even if it's a bunch of baby washcloths.
I just can't get motivated to knit when I feel so bad. I need something fun to pick up my spirits. Turning 36 tomorrow isn't it! lol
I should just force myself to pick up the needles and do something. Even if it's a bunch of baby washcloths.
Hi Emily,
I got your comment on the blog and am very happy to swap with you. This comment should forward my email address to you. Email me and we'll work the details. Thanks.
I just wanted to say that I think you are an amazing person. I read your blog today, and you are always so positive and upbeat. I don't know all about your situation, but I am amazed that someone in your position can have such a positive outlook, and you do so many things for other people. I am sorry you are having such health problems, and I hope you and your new baby are doing ok.
I have a cute idea for you do do on your loom. Make a patchwork quilt type afgan. Making all the squares, like you make the dishclothes, and then sewing them together. It would be a cute blanket for your baby.
There are lots of cute patterns here:
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